What Its Like to Be Fashion Brand Marketin

Elie Saab AW14 Couture
Elie Saab AW14 Couture

So you're thinking about starting a fashion make or clothing line. Yous're looking at business models and remember that luxury is the mode forrard. Is it because y'all can design clothes with beautiful fabrics and trims? Maybe yous like the idea of fame and being on the front cover of Vogue? Maybe you lot just think its smart business organisation. Higher toll tag equals more turn a profit?…. well earlier you make your decision, here are 5 things you demand to know nearly doing a luxury brand earlier y'all start.


Equally new brands, I hear from clients that they have trademarked their brand and gained copyright for the designs that are eligible. Trademarking your brand prototype, isn't a bad thing, just copyright for your products, is a pointless waste of time and money. Unless y'all are involved with something truly innovative, like tech or engineering, then you won't exist given copyright protection on something that is a common item. This volition just cost you legal fees and a lot of time, that would exist better spent developing your brand epitome.

Another affair to call up virtually, is that, regardless of your legal rights, if your brand becomes popular, it volition be copied somewhere in the world. Either past a mill looking to capitalise on a cheap version of your blueprint, or past individuals who will get to a tailor with a picture and ask for it to exist copied to their size.

If you're worried about your profits, then you'll find that considering your price tag [as a luxury brand] is high, then there will be few people who can beget your wearable or products. Instead, they'll buy a cheap illegal replica, or get a re-create made.

If yous've ever walked past 1 of these replica product market place stalls, then I incertitude y'all volition have seen a cheaper, high street handbag, or clothing, re-create. When clothing and accessories are cheaper to purchase from an accurate brand store, and then there is no indicate making illegal copies.

Apart from the legal and moral objections you might have to illegal copies of your products, this will definitely swallow away at the turn a profit you could expect. You should never assume that if consumers want to be seen wearing your label, that they are actually ownership it legally from your store, or a licenced vendor.

If you lot want to expect at a further instance of how this could affect your branding and brand paradigm, have a look at this blog post WHY GROUPON & OTHER DISCOUNT SITES, ARE BAD FOR YOUR Make, where I talk near the effect of cheap replicas on Burberry.


Similar virtually brands these days, luxury or not, you'll exist thinking of an online store. Just the term 'luxury' is as much about the customer feel y'all provide as a clothing label, as it is virtually the quality of the products themselves.

The trouble with e-commerce is that consumers can't choice upwardly, admire, or try the products, with a sales representative tending to their every need, including a glass of something bubbly in luxurious surroundings. The experience of online shopping, is not luxury at all.

I won't say that luxury consumers don't use e-commerce as a method of shopping, but it's a very minimal amount of sales. Equally a new start upwards, y'all don't yet have the brand recognition to be able to demand that level of trust from your consumer, especially when in that location are thousands of dollars on the price tag and even if you did, the likelihood is that consumers won't buy online anyway. Customers who can afford luxury items, likewise want to be treated with a luxury experience. This ways sales assistants, physical stores and pampering.

If you need some more facts on this, the average loftier street store does as much in online sales, as they practise in a physical retail store. That'south around 48% of their sales revenue. In comparison, luxury brands sell less than 0.5% of their products through e-commerce.

This all means that that for a new luxury brand, you lot volition take to concentrate on a concrete store sales and lavish events, not eastward-commerce sales.


Sylvie leather shoulder bag, Gucci
Sylvie leather shoulder pocketbook, Gucci

If your passion is clothing specifically, then luxury is definitely not the mode to go with your brand.

Consumers buy products because they buy into the 'lifestyle' you take sold them through your make marketing. But, luxury clothes are, well, luxury. They are expensive and in general, not every day items of clothing for almost people, peculiarly if y'all are intending on going down the bespoke or evening gown road.

Unfortunately, this means that only the very wealthy can afford to shop at luxury stores, of which in that location ae few and far between and when in that location is so much competition, you lot need to consider the location of these people for your brand. If yous call back dorsum to providing 'experience' in your shop, so customers are not going to travel for that feel, when they have other brands locally.

Moving on from that, the volume of consumers who provide y'all with the biggest profits [as a luxury brand], honey the prototype and lifestyle that you are selling them, only often tin't afford big ticket items.

Instead, they opt for smaller things similar perfume, sunglasses, bags or beauty, which gives them the illusion they have bought into your brand lifestyle, without spending large amounts of money. Or at to the lowest degree, large amounts of money compared to your other products. The smaller ticket items are still expensive for these consumers, but can exist bought with a little saving, or on special occasions.

Yet  these customers shouldn't be ignored. They actually make up at least 75% of your annual sales. The amounts may be smaller in terms of price, merely they are all sold at much higher volume. So in short, you are going to be far more than dependent on the sales of accessories than wear.

Unfortunately, this is where you run into a 'craven and egg' situation. The wearable line, catwalk shows and marketing, provides the make proper name and epitome, that allows those accessories to sell. And so you need to create the clothing to develop your make image and proper noun, but your profits volition be focused effectually the additional accessories that y'all sell alongside the clothing.


If similar most people, you lot are assuming that a luxury make volition create more profits for you than a value brand, what you demand to consider is the book of sales.

Have yous ever walked by a Gucci or Dior shop advertizement looked through the window? Busy, with hundreds of customers? No never.

Side by side time you're walking past a luxury brand'south store, at a prime shopping hr or 24-hour interval, look in the window. Notice that there are very few, if any, people in the store. So go to your local loftier street or shopping mall.  Look at the amount of people in a store like H&M or Topshop. I'll bet you'll notice quite a lot more.

It's a myth that luxury brands make more money than your average high street, chain store.

High street brands sell products in huge volume, because the prices for their items are far more accessible to a lot more people. They allow for impulse purchases and customers with a lower disposable income. They're accessible to far more than people, because they tend to exist in most high streets, or shopping malls, whereas luxury brands tend to exist located in specific areas. All in all, they make more money.

Don't believe me? Well let's look at pure facts. The price for a Gucci handbag [and I've merely checked] is between US $750 to $28,000. The average cost is around United states of america $3000, so these are the ones that will have the near sales. The price for a H&M handbag, is betwixt US $nine.99 and $49.99. The average is only United states of america $24.99.

For H&Grand to sell US $3000 [the same as 1 boilerplate priced Gucci bag], they have to sell 120 boilerplate priced bags. That seems like quite a lot. But with online sales [which don't apply to luxury, as we've already discussed] and multiple stores across the world, H&Thou will sell around 1000 bags on an average shopping day, whereas Gucci, volition only sell 3.

And so on an boilerplate shopping twenty-four hours, that's H&M at US $24,990 and Gucci U.s. $nine,000…. Who would y'all rather be?

Calvin Klein SS16 Milan Presentation
Calvin Klein SS16 Milan Presentation


Actually we've covered this point in most of our other sections, only at that place are additional costs that brand starting a luxury brand far more hard.

I've mentioned already that:

  • You don't have the option of going online first, which is a cheaper, particularly when you lot are starting out. If you lot do take some capital to launch in physical stores, your additional start-up costs, compared to a cheaper product brand, will go upwardly. You'll demand sales representatives if you take an agreement with a department store, licencing staff, marketing campaigns, catwalk events and so on….
  • Higher priced goods will mean less profit in terms of volume. Unfortunately you can't exercise a lot about this. It will take to be a witting choice that you should be aware of upfront.
  • Clothing will not exist the bulk of your profit. Accessories will be where people put their credit cards. However, you'll need the wearable to create the make name in order to sell the accessories.

Merely, there are more costs that you lot need to consider.

Because the value of your products is based on the value of your brand image, every bit a luxury brand, y'all'll demand to spend some time and money on this.

This will include:

  • Big marketing campaigns.
  • Very well washed photoshoots, peradventure on location, or in advisable settings.
  • Wide spread printing coverage.
  • You'll too need to participate at manner week, which has a huge cost as an individual result, but provides the prestige that your make will demand for luxury.
  • You lot can't sell cheap products at luxury prices. Products need to match up to what the client is paying, so your production costs for luxury goods will exist high and you'll have to pay this out, fefore yous go it back through sales.


Well, I didn't want to just requite you 5 points to remember most, especially when number 5 has been mentioned in most of the others. So here is an boosted one to remember about.

I've actually written a blog post about this previously, but it's worth mentioning once more hither, but in case yous didn't read it. That weblog post was called DOING COUTURE? WHY YOU MIGHT Exist BREAKING THE Constabulary.

As a luxury brand, you may accept dreams of Haute Couture fashions shows. But yes, you may have guessed from the title of the post that the term 'Couture' is actually protected by French constabulary. Being designated as a Couture make, has a number of restrictions and use of the term, volition simply exist granted after you fulfil all of the criteria needed and apply to exist able to use the term.

For more information on this, if you are interested, head over to the weblog post HERE


So to sum up, if you are looking at the luxury market for no other reason than it seems appealing and easy, so don't. This reason isn't good enough. You'll have restrictions, like not being able to sell online; having to consider costs for retail stores; creating article of clothing in order to sell accessories and perfume; you'll have less turn a profit margins for the cost of running a luxury brand and and so on…..

As you can come across, there is a lot to recollect about equally luxury brands take to work differently to others. It all comes down to your target market and how they feel about your products. For a new make, luxury is tricky, but not impossible, if you have enough funding.

Simply don't panic. At that place are lots of clothing line markets that you tin can recall well-nigh. Near of which, don't have such high costs involved in starting up. If yous're interested in the different options and levels of brand then you might want to read THE MANY Market place LEVELS OF Style BRANDS

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